Welcome to GEObjects! Offering the world's best Environmental Analytics Software
Our Environmental Analytics Software leads the world for environmental management and stewardship, guiding governments and industry to form initiatives that protect our air, water and land and maximise environmental and natural assets, industrial capabilities, and social infrastructure. Our products unlock fiscal value, build economic capacity and create social outcomes. Using our products, our clients gain the capability to measure and analyse environmental outcomes on an equal footing with any participant in the carbon economy and environmental management.

Carbon Analysis
Modelling of carbon flows
through environment and industry
provides powerful insights for
creating environmental outcomes
Green Carbon
Tremendous amounts of
carbon move through land systems
When improving industrial carbon
performance is a challenge, green
carbon is often a strong option
Blue Carbon
The oceans and wetlands
of the world store vast quantities
of carbons
The new international objective
is to steward this great reservoir
Industrial Carbon
The majority of the
world's carbon emissions
arise from industrial sources
including power and transport
Documents and Papers
View All PapersUnderstanding Climate Change: A Beginner’s Guide
NEWS GEObjects and the Nigerian Government host The Environmental Innovation Symposium of 2019, AbujaClick here for more...
moreFifth Assessment Report (AR5)
NEWS GEObjects and the Nigerian Government host The Environmental Innovation Symposium of 2019, Abuja Click here for more...
moreA summary of current climate change findings and figures (WMO)
NEWS GEObjects and the Nigerian Government host The Environmental Innovation Symposium of 2019, Abuja Click here for more...
News and events
- https://www.facebook.com/642071139337229/posts/1713501122194220/...
Computer modelling predicts a permanent change to the climate of the Arctic.
The fast-warming Arctic has started to transition from a predominantly frozen state into an entirely...
current topics
View All TopicsScientists warn thawing Siberia may trigger global meltdown
NEWS GEObjects and the Nigerian Government host...
goPlants may adapt faster to climate change than previously thought, new study shows
NEWS GEObjects and the Nigerian Government host...
goHealing ozone layer may contribute to global warming
NEWS GEObjects and the Nigerian Government host...
goBlair recognizes Kyoto treaty stopped by its restrictions
NEWS GEObjects and the Nigerian Government host...
GEObjects and the Nigerian Government host
The Environmental Innovation Symposium of 2019, Abuja
Click here for more